cPanel: How to create an email address and how to connect to it on any device


cPanel is a powerful and intuitive tool that helps you manage your website and emails. It offers an easy-to-use interface, ideal for managing email accounts, files, and other hosting resources. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to create an email address in cPanel and connect to it on any device, be it a mobile phone, tablet, or computer.

Step 1: Access cPanel

  1. Log in to cPanel: Open your browser and enter the cPanel URL provided by your hosting provider. Log in using your credentials (username and password).
  2. Find the “Email” Section: Once logged in, scroll down until you find the “Email” section. Here, you will see options like “Email Accounts,” “Forwarders,” and “Autoresponders.”

Step 2: Creating the Email Address

  1. Access “Email Accounts”: In the “Email” section, select “Email Accounts.”
  2. Create a New Email Address: Click the “Create” button to start the process of creating a new email address.
  3. Fill in the Necessary Details:
    • Username: Enter the desired name for the email address.
    • Domain: Select the appropriate domain from the dropdown list (if you have multiple domains).
    • Password: Set a strong and secure password, including a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
    • Storage Space: Configure the email storage space (you can leave the default setting or set a specific limit).
  4. Finalize Creation: After filling in all the necessary fields, click the “Create” button to complete the process. Your new email address is now active.

Step 3: Connecting the Email on Mobile Devices

  1. Open the Email App: On your mobile device, open your preferred email app (e.g., Mail on iOS, Gmail on Android).
  2. Add a New Account: In the app, navigate to account settings and select the option to add a new account. Choose “Other” or “Manual Setup” if there is no specific option for cPanel.
  3. Enter Account Details: Enter the full email address and the password created earlier.
  4. Set Up Email Servers:
    • Incoming Server: Choose between IMAP and POP3 (IMAP is recommended for syncing emails across multiple devices). Enter the server name, usually in the format, and the corresponding port.
    • Outgoing Server (SMTP): Enter the outgoing server name, similar to the incoming server, and the corresponding port. Ensure that the “Require Sign-in” option is enabled and re-enter the email address and password.
  5. Save Settings: After completing all the fields, save the settings. Your email app should start syncing messages.

Step 4: Connecting the Email on a PC

  1. Open the Email App: On your computer, open the email app you use (e.g., Outlook, Thunderbird).
  2. Add a New Account: In the app, navigate to account settings and select the option to add a new account. Choose manual server configuration if the app does not automatically detect the settings for cPanel.
  3. Enter Account Details: Enter the full email address and the password created earlier.
  4. Set Up Email Servers:
    • Incoming Server: Choose between IMAP and POP3. Enter the server name and the corresponding port.
    • Outgoing Server (SMTP): Enter the outgoing server name and the corresponding port. Ensure that the “Require Sign-in” option is enabled and re-enter the email address and password.
  5. Save Settings: After completing all the fields, save the settings. Your email app should start syncing messages.

Creating an email address in cPanel and configuring it on various devices is a simple and quick process. By following these steps, you will ensure that your email is correctly set up and functions efficiently on all your devices, allowing you to stay connected and productive wherever you are. Make sure to periodically check your settings and updates to maintain the security and optimal performance of your email account.